
What to do if you hear an air raid warning

Опубліковано 8 July 2024 року, о 13:28

Air raid rules to protect you and your family.

If you hear sirens on the street:

– Find the closest shelter (underpass, subway station, parking lot, or bomb shelter) and get there as quickly as you can.

– Avoid buildings that are important for the country’s defense or other critical infrastructure.

If you hear sirens while you’re at home:

– Make sure you turn off all electrical appliances, turn off the gas, and, if you can, put out any open sources of fire (stoves, fireplaces, etc.).

– Leave the premises as quickly as possible and head to the nearest shelter.

– Don’t use the elevators during an air raid. Just go down the stairs instead.

-If there’s no safe place to go in your building, stay inside and find a spot away from windows.