
The government has set aside UAH 5.7 billion for housing for veterans

Опубліковано 4 July 2024 року, о 14:08

The Cabinet of Ministers has approved a UAH 5.7 billion subsidy for veterans and their families to buy housing. The Government portal reports.

The Ministry of Veterans has allocated funds to three budget programs for 2024.

Nearly 2,500 people will get money for housing this year.

The following people can get money to buy a home:

  • People with disabilities caused by war and their families.
  • People with disabilities caused by war who fought in other countries and their families.
  • IDPs who took part in the ATO and are recognized as combatants or have a war-related disability of group III.

The regions have said they need cash to buy houses. Local administrators will soon give the money to the people who need it.

Veterans and family members of the deceased can choose to buy housing with funds received. It can be on the secondary or primary market, provided it is already in use.