
Ministry of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine

Supporting the employment of people with disabilities

Опубліковано 18 July 2024 року, о 11:40

The government offers employers compensation for hiring people with disabilities.

Employers receive different types of compensation:

– For workplaces for people with disabilities

The state offers financial assistance to employers who hire individuals with disabilities in Groups I and II and provides workplace accommodations to meet their needs.

The cost of arranging a workplace for a person with a disability in Group I is up to UAH 106.5 thousand, while the cost for a person with a disability in Group II is up to UAH 71 thousand.

– For unemployed people who are registered as such.

The state pays 50% of the actual labor costs for the employment of persons with disabilities who are registered unemployed. The total compensation period is 6 months and the minimum wage is UAH 8,000.

-For people with disabilities who are IDPs.

An employer who hires an IDP with a disability gets six months of minimum wage.

Click the link for more info.