
Ministry of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine


The State Enterprise “INFORMATION AGENCY RE-INFORM” (hereinafter referred to as SE “RE-INFORM”) is based on state ownership and belongs to the management of the Ministry of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Reintegration).

The main goal of the SE “IA “RE-INFORM” is to provide socially important and useful information for residents of the temporarily occupied territories (hereinafter – TOT), de-occupied territories (hereinafter – DOT) and internally displaced persons (hereinafter – IDPs).

SE “IA “RE-INFORM” in accordance with the tasks assigned to it:

  • promptly and widely informs the public about topical issues of state policy;
  • organizes and conducts information and communication campaigns;
  • provides answers to the current information needs of society, primarily the population living in the TOT, DOT, and IDPs;
  • comprehensively covers the work of the Ministry of Reintegration;
  • provides information support for the projects of restoration and development of the DOT;
  • informs the public about the assistance of partner countries and existing state and international programs;
  • forms the information space in the interests of restoring the territorial integrity and state sovereignty of Ukraine;
  • implements a proactive state information policy to strengthen its position in the information field, information counteraction, and minimize the influence of the aggressor state’s propaganda.

Code of the USREOU (the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine): 44614647.

Address: 13 Chokolovsky Boulevard, Kyiv, 03186, Ukraine.

E-mail address: [email protected].

Website of SE “IA “RE-INFORM”: https://reinform.com.ua/.