
Directorate for Internally Displaced Persons and Temporarily Occupied Territories

The Directorate for Internally Displaced Persons and Temporarily Occupied Territories consists of two expert groups and a department:

  • Expert Group for Internally Displaced Persons
  • Expert Group for Temporarily Occupied Territories
  • Department of Social Protection and Housing Policy

The main task of the Directorate is to implement measures aimed at ensuring the formation and implementation of state policy on the issues of:

  • internally displaced persons from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine and citizens of Ukraine who have left their place of residence in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine as a result of or in order to avoid the negative consequences of the armed conflict and/or temporary occupation of part of the territory of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as “internally displaced persons”), to facilitate the exercise of their rights and freedoms and to create conditions for the voluntary return of such persons to their abandoned place of residence or integration at a new place of residence;
  • access to administrative and public services for internally displaced persons, civilians living along the demarcation line and in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine; restoration of administrative services in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine in the process of their reintegration, as well as in the adjacent territories, and identification of priority areas for their improvement.

The main task of the Expert Group for Internally Displaced Persons is to implement measures aimed at ensuring the formation of state policy on social protection of internally displaced persons from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine and citizens of Ukraine who have left their place of residence in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine as a result of or in order to avoid the negative consequences of the armed conflict and/or temporary occupation of part of the territory of Ukraine, to promote the realization of their rights and freedoms and to create conditions for voluntary return.

The main task of the Expert Group for Temporarily Occupied Territories is to implement measures aimed at ensuring the development of state policy on the temporarily occupied territory and protection of the rights of the population living there, with the ultimate goal of their reintegration into a single legal, informational, socio-economic, cultural, and educational space of Ukraine, development of the temporarily occupied territory after its reintegration, as well as the adjacent territories.

The main task of the Department of Social Protection and Housing Policy is to implement measures aimed at implementing social and housing policy concerning internally displaced persons from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine and citizens of Ukraine who have left their place of residence in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine as a result of or in order to avoid the negative consequences of the armed conflict and/or temporary occupation of part of the territory of Ukraine, to promote the exercise of their rights and freedoms and to create conditions for the voluntary return of such persons.