
Communication channels for searching through the NIB

If you are looking for loved ones who have lost contact with you during the Russian-Ukrainian war, please contact the National Information Bureau via

NIB’s round-the-clock hotline at 1648 and +38 (044) 287-81-65;

  • e-mail [email protected];
  • the NIB website – nib.gov.ua, through a special form for requests for information on missing persons;
  • Telegram – @nib_uncp_bot;
  • Facebook page.

The NIB is a real chance to find a loved one and know the truth about them.

The bureau already processes and records about 300 cases on its specialized issues per day. At the same time, it receives many more requests. When they do not fall within the bureau’s competence, people are offered advice on which body to contact.

It should be noted that the NIB operates in accordance with international humanitarian law. In particular, Article 122 of the Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War (III) and Article 136 of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War (IV).

All the details about the NIB.